Private: Publications

PESGB April 2002

Mon 01 April 2002

Category: Magazines


It is a number of months since the editor contributed the first page of the Newsletter and in that time a number of things have come to fruit on.
By dint of fortuitous travel arrangements I was able to accept an invitation to the official opening of the EGTTC, which was the subject of an article in last month’s Newsletter (page 30). An excellent evening was laid on for guests at Imperial College and a number of industry colleagues were heard to remark along the lines of “if only my company provided such excellent facilities”. It can only be hoped that the industry will now use these facilities and make the EGTTC the success that it deserves to be. One of the financial contributors to the EGTTC was JAPEC and we publish an article by Griff Cordey reviewing the hi story of JAPEC which was form ally wound up in December last year.
By the time that you receive this Newsletter you will have only a couple of days LEFT to return your responses to the Questionnaire published in the March issue and also available for download from the Society’s Website. If you have not yet had the time to make a submission please do so today as the Council can only take on board your suggestions if you make them known to us. The
results of the questionnaire will be published in a later issue of the News letter, and also on the web site. One point of clarification that we should make is that in order to enter the prize draw we do need your name, yes submission anonymously is always possible, return by named email or add your name somewhere on the form if you wish to be entered for the draw The Society has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Geo logical Society which adds to those already signed with other societies of a similar nature to your own. We publish a summary,
elsewhere in this issue, of the benefits to you, our members, of these arrangements.
I am pleased to report that the President ‘s Evening in February was considered a success as may be seen from the photographs published this month, Council is aware that some members have concerns over the change in date and would welcome comments from members, either via the Questionnaire or directly to the office. Please also note the Director ‘s comments on page 8.
Developments in some parts of the industry are showing a potential return to the cycles of employment practices and whilst the Society remains optimistic as may be seen by the Graduate Seminars which have been held in London during March and with the Edinburgh event scheduled for April 24th we are also organising a “Back to Work” seminar on May 21st.
Other events during April are the monthly lectures in London on the 9th and Aberdeen on the 16th and our Environmental seminar in Aberdeen on the 17th. Aberdeen based members are also advised that the Council meeting is being held in that city on the 16th, so you will have an opportunity to meet some of your “southern based” Council members that day.
Finally a reminder that if you have not already renewed your subscription to the Society you will be liable to pay a reinstatement fee – this should not put you off rejoining, and whilst doing so why not encourage some of your colleagues to do so.