Private: Publications

PESGB February 2000

Tue 01 February 2000

Category: Magazines


Writing this February editorial at the very start of a New Year, New Millennium etc ., I hope that all our members had a good Christmas and survived into 2000. 2000 will see a continuation of the various activities that the PESGB organised during 1999 – training courses, field trips, and evening lectures amongst many others.
A wide range of events is publicised in the pages of this Newsletter. Members are requested to book as early as possible for events as we must still maintain the principle of not running with events that will cost the Society money, and early booking is advised to ensure that events happen. I look forward to working with the 2000 Council and being responsible for another dozen issues of the Newsletters; deadlines require the Newsletter Director to work on a March to February period. Contributions to the Newsletter and the web-site are always welcomed from the membership . We cannot promise to publish every item that is contributed but will endeavour to include most in the contents of the website.
In this vein I should perhaps stress that the articles and news pages that we publish are contributed by volunteers and do not express the opinions of or endorsement by the Society.
As the President reminded us last month, the Society is thirty-five years old this month (February) and I would again appeal for members with any further lost and untold stories of the early days of
the industry to come forward . Please feel free to contact Richard Moreton, at Enterprise Oil, who continues to look for more tales for a possible second edition of the Tales book.
We formally announce, elsewhere in the Newsletter, that access to the Library Services at the Institute of Petroleum is currently suspended, pending further negotiations with the Institute. I will
endeavour in the next month or two to write about Information Services for the Explorationist.
I am looking forward to another interesting year editing the Newsletter and hope that members will feel free to contact me with suggestions for how we can better serve them through print and electronic media.
Finally, can I note that if you have not renewed your membership by 7th February, this will be the last Newsletter that you receive.