Private: Publications

PESGB January 2010

Fri 01 January 2010

Category: Magazines

  • Book Review
  • Jurassic Coast
  • PESGB Groups
  • PESGB Scholarship Awards
  • Statistics

Plus much more inside

President’s Page- Henry Allen

Firstly a warm welcome to you all for 2010. I look forward to working with the PESGB, its new Council (details of which are announced on Page 15), and the office team. I would also particularly like to thank the outgoing Council members, namely Jerry Chessell (Past President 2008), Paul Burnham (Secretary), Adam Law (Education & Training), Andrew Vinall (Events), and Nick Muir (Aberdeen). We should not underestimate how much they have gone the extra mile to support this very successful and worthwhile organisation, and must also recognise the support which their employers provide by sanctioning their involvement. Also, under-pinning everything, are our professional office staff who work tirelessly to create the friendly and always helpful ethos that is the hallmark of PESGB, namely Marian Scutt (Executive Director), Julie Callaghan (Finance & Events), Guy Elliot (IT & Events), Rebecca Wade (Newsletter & Events) and also Jennie Beck (Membership & Events) who is now on much deserved maternity leave after working until the evening before her baby girl was born!
Like many of us as individuals and organisations, the PESGB has felt the financial effects of an extraordinary 18 months. Thankfully our Council predecessors have for many years built a solid financial base and therefore I am optimistic that we can manage through the current situation without much adverse effect. Nevertheless I would ask members for their understanding that we do need to be more prudent and this has resulted in our decision to raise membership fees for the first time since 2000. I am sure you will agree that we remain excellent value for money and trust you will show your continued support.
I write this as the maelstrom whirls, and continues to intensify, around the fate of the Edinburgh BGS Core Store. The PESGB have been receiving many letters expressing extreme surprise and concern about the move and the issue seems to have moved the membership like nothing before. Council have therefore been obliged to pursue this matter further and there is no doubt the BGS now understand the strength of feeling, both about their decision and about the degree of consultation beforehand. We are doing our best to work with all stakeholders to get a resolution which everyone can buy into, as the right one for the petroleum industry, the nation, and its educational establishments.
The debate also raises a number of wider issues about the PESGB. Should it be specifically empowered to represent the views of UK petroleum geoscientists? You will find our Articles on the website and in the Members Directory and will see that our object is “… promote for the public benefit education in the scientific and technical aspects of petroleum exploration”. Without question the Core Store is a pivotal instrument in that objective. What have become apparent are the deficiencies of the PESGB’s current communication systems, with the lead time to Newsletter publication causing a lag in circulation of member’s letters. Interactive use of our website is an obvious solution. The existing one has been a great asset to us over the years but its technology is now out-dated and inhibiting the communication styles of the new age. I’m pleased to say that this is being addressed, so watch this space.