Private: Publications

PESGB June 2001

Wed 01 August 2001

Category: Magazines

The PESGB – Expanding our Global Network

I was recently honoured by being invited to give an opening address at the SEAPEX Conference in Singapore. For those of you who are not aware, SEAPEX is a likeminded organisation to the PESGB focused on the SE Asia region. Their annual conference is run along similar lines to our PETEX Conference. I was most impressed by the quality of papers with a lot o f really interesting exploration and production case studies. I had a number of discussions with SEAPEX Committee members who were very interested in forging closer links with the PESGB. Ideas discussed ranged from hot-linked web-sites, to giving members from each society respective rights to attend each other’s events such as evening lectures. Our industry is becoming an increasingly global business and it is in all our interests to form an active network with other like-minded societies. As a PESGB member are you aware of any other organisations such as SEAPEX in any area of the world that you think would be beneficial for the PESGB to form a relationship with? lt is particularly important that they have similar values and ethics to ourselves. If you can think of any then please e-mail the PESGB office and we will take appropriate action.
Our ‘ new look ‘ web-site will be up and running in the next few months which affords an excellent opportunity to develop new links. I would very much appreciate your input and thoughts on expanding our global network.
Thank you.