Private: Publications

PESGB March 2000

Wed 01 March 2000

Get Involved with the Great Outdoors

There is an excellent programme of eleven field trips scheduled to run during the first, second and third quarter of this year. Please return your booking forms now. Early registration makes it much
easier for field trip leaders and the PESGB office to finalise arrangements on your behalf. Late bookings have the opposite effect and can at worse, result in cancellations. Please give your society
a hand by considering the following ideas – If you have already booked onto a field trip, inform a colleague about this, they may wish to come along with you and share transport costs. Remember, that the PESGB requires a separate booking form and associated disclaimer from each individual and normally trips are limited to members only.
PESGB field trips are both scientific and social events. If you have colleagues or friends whom you have not seen for a while, inform them of your booking. The field trip locality may be a mutually convenient place to meet. If you would like to attend a field trip, but feel there is a chance that personal or professional commitments may preclude this, take a chance and book anyway! If it transpires that you are indeed unable to attend, simply arrange for a colleague to take your place. Presently, the PESGB is looking for year 2001 field trip leaders. If you would like to volunteer, or know of anyone who is interested, please get in touch with me to discuss your ideas. Finally, PESGB field trips offer excellent value for money and they are, quite frankly good fun . I speak from personal experience; during previous trips I have found a Jurassic plesiosaur and examined Permian evaporites while 3000′ underground (see photos). So if you want a good day out, send in your booking forms now. I can be reached via email at