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Committee Highlights: Effective seismic interpretation (and interpreters)

Tue 05 July 2016

Category: Conference, Geophysics, Seminars

Stephen Pickering of the Geophysics Committee, shares his highlights from the upcoming Geophysics Seminar…

What is an effective depth conversion? Does it matter if it does not exactly tie the well control?  Interesting questions which Chris Burns and Jonathon Stearn (Baker Hughes) will address in their paper How accurate is my depth conversion of seismic data? 


I personally remember only too well (sic) drilling a subsalt exploration well on UKCS block 30/18 back in the 1980’s, following extensive but flawed post stack depth imaging and velocity modelling the well was still many hundreds of metres off prognosis.  Interestingly Burns and Stearn argue that simple formulae where the variables are easily related to physical properties (such as the instantaneous velocity function Vi = V0 +kZ) are preferred to the more mathematically complex formulae.  A similar conclusion that I made after that awful well!  If like me you need to improve your prospects (sic) make sure you attend the PESGB Geophysics seminar.

Hear more at 14.30 on Wednesday 28 September 2016 at the ‘Getting Value from Geophysics: Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness for Low Oil Prices’ seminar to be held at the Geological Society of London.

Click here to see the full programme and to register your place